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- Academic Modifiers Definitions
Academic Modifiers Definitions
A modifier defines certain conditions of an appointment and is, unless otherwise noted, to be included in the title.
Faculty appointments which include the appointment status modifiers listed below are not eligible for tenure or permanent status.
The University shall notify the appointee in writing of the duties and responsibilities and the tenure or permanent status eligibility of the position at the time of the appointment. Appointees whose faculty titles include status modifiers shall be considered members of the department for the term of the appointment and for the purpose of the assignment of duties and responsibilities.
At the option of the departmental faculty the appointees may also attend, speak, and/or vote on departmental matters subject to the policy of the department, college, and/or University.
- Acting
This modifier applies to a temporary appointment to fill a vacancy at an administrative level. The appointee may or may not receive compensation as a result of these temporary duties dependent on the nature of the new duties and of the previous responsibilities.
- Adjunct
This modifier applies to temporary appointments extended to persons of satisfactory professional qualifications who perform temporary teaching, research, or extension functions in connection with established programs.
Such persons are appointed for one (1) academic term at a time and possess no continuing contractual relationship with the University. Persons with adjunct appointments may not be employed for more than fifty percent (50%) of the time throughout an academic year, or full-time for more than twenty-six (26) weeks of a fiscal year, unless approved by the Office of Academic Affairs based on the needs of the unit at the time approval is granted.
- Affiliate or Joint
These modifiers apply to persons paid or holding appointments in a department or unit of the University who participate in another department or unit such as (joint) teaching and/or supervision of graduate students and/or research or extension on a regular or infrequent (affiliate) basis.
A majority vote of the departmental faculty is required in the secondary department(s) to award such status.
An affiliate appointment is not tenure eligible in the secondary department(s). Joint appointments may be tenure eligible.
The rights and privileges of affiliate appointees in the department should be made clear to them at the time of appointment.
Affiliate faculty members normally will be reviewed by the departments annually and such appointments may be altered or terminated at any time.
- Clinical
The faculty modifier “Clinical” applies to persons of professional qualifications who perform teaching, research, service or extension functions in a clinical environment, in connection with an established program of the University. The faculty modifier “Clinical Hospitalist” applies to persons who perform teaching, research, and service functions in a hospital as hospitalists. Appointees to a faculty position modified by “clinical” shall not be eligible for tenure.
- Of Practice
The modifier “Of Practice” may be used in conjunction with the faculty title “Professor” for senior faculty appointments.
Candidates for this tenure-ineligible faculty rank shall hold the highest degree appropriate to the field or possess equivalent qualifications based on professional experience. A candidate for this field-specific rank shall be expected to demonstrate a national or international record of distinction in non-academic achievement pertinent to the position, and have demonstrated applied and practical professional experience relevant to the goals of the academic unit in which she or he will be employed. This position will require ongoing professional engagement in the candidate’s practice field, including maintaining professional credentials, and contributions to research, teaching and service within and outside the University. It may not be used with the modifiers “Research” or “Clinical.”
- Emeritus
Faculty members, academic administrators, and such other officers of the University as the President may designate shall become eligible for the title “Emeritus” in connection with their faculty rank when they retire.
The title is to be conferred in recognition of meritorious service, and it shall entail continued campus courtesies, under the same conditions as required for active faculty and administrators, including parking, use of the library and recreation facilities, admission to athletics and cultural events, receipt of such publications as are sent to regular faculty members and members of the Alumni Association, participation in contract and grant endeavors, and participation in academic convocations. Consideration for this title shall be accomplished prior to the faculty member’s retirement although the Provost may permit consideration following retirement in exceptional circumstances. The names of all eligible nominees shall be submitted by the chairperson or director to the faculty for a departmental or school vote. The departmental or school vote shall accompany the submission of the nomination to the President from the department or school, the chairperson or director, and the dean or Provost. The President or designee will make the final determination and notify the Office of Academic Affairs.
- Provisional
This modifier applies to the appointment of a person who is not fully qualified for an academic rank but who expects to acquire such qualification in a short period of time.
Such appointments do not carry eligibility for tenure or permanent status during the duration of the appointment, and persons holding such appointments have no continuing contractual relationship with the University.
The appointment may not be extended beyond one (1) year except in the case of a provisional assistant professor or equivalent whose appointment can be extended for one (1) additional year.
- Visiting
This modifier applies to appointments extended to qualified persons who are not expected to be available for more than limited periods of time, or to appointments to positions which are not expected to be available for more than a limited period of time.
This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.
The title shall not be held for more than four (4) years or the equivalent in proportional time unless approved by the Office of Academic Affairs based on the qualifications of the appointee and the needs of the unit.
- Courtesy/Honorary/Affiliated Clinical/Industry
These modifiers apply to persons having the appropriate professional qualifications or having distinction and honor in his or her field who are appointed without compensation to a department, center or unit faculty.
The “Industry” modifier may also be used for persons from industry who are paid with Other Personnel Services (OPS) funds only. Persons appointed with this status may or may not be otherwise affiliated with the University. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.
The “Affiliated Clinical” modifier is to be used for appointments in the Health Science Center only.
Promotion shall be based on the credentials of the appointee and the recommendation of the faculty and administrators of the department, college and unit, as appropriate. Requests for promotion are submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for final review and approval.
- Research
Professorial titles with “research” modifier may be used to create specialized faculty appointments for individuals who are primarily focused on the research missions of the University. Research professors (assistant, associate, and full) are required to hold a Ph.D. or equivalent highest degree and expertise in the relevant discipline. Research professors may involve students in research, including supervision of graduate students and post-doctoral associates.
- Extension
Professorial titles with “extension” modifier may be used to create specialized faculty appointments for individuals primarily focused in extension.
This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.
- Program
This modifier may be used in those instances where a person holding professional rank is primarily engaged in Florida Cooperative Extension Service work and is 14 funded through non-appropriated sources.
This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.